Episode 29: Proactive Disciple Making: Connect Phase


I feel that the key to connecting is first to commit to an intentional way of making disciples in the 2020’s and beyond. Quite honestly it is the most difficult part of the strategy that the majority of churches have struggled with for the last several decades. The reason most churches are having difficulty re-engaging with church attenders on this side of the COVID pandemic is because these people weren’t really connected to the church in the first place.

How do we connect with people inside and outside our churches to develop a deeper relationship? The answer goes back to the myth the church has been telling its people for years that we discussed last episode - we will meet you where you are?

How do I know this is a myth, you ask. Think about it, we ask visitors to drive to our location, at a specific time on one specific day of the week and sit for one hour or so and be invited to learn more at a new member class, join an existing small group, or go to a Bible study.

Conscious leadership is about guiding people and teams with awareness, presence, and authenticity. It’s about coming from a place of curiosity and ease. And it’s about asking, listening, and being thoughtful in your interactions.
— Jim Barnett, Fast Company Magazine



Episode 30: Proactive Disciple Making: Engage Phase


Episode 28: The Proactive Disciple Making Process