Episode 30: Proactive Disciple Making: Engage Phase


In this episode, we are talking about the second phase of our Proactive Disciple Making Strategy. The Engaging phase has two primary objectives. First, it is identifying how best to help the newly connected disciples formulate their growth and fulfillment plan and take their logical, first step on that journey.

The second objective of our Engaging phase is to build personal relationships with disciples. I heard recently a phrase from a peer that “Bible studies don’t make disciples, people do.” The Guide community that we will discuss in the next episode is the means to building personal relationships with disciples to help them find resources and next steps as well as providing support and encouragement.

If the church is truly going to embrace the importance of the Great Commission, then we need to address where we have fallen short for the past several decades.
— Mark Wilson, ChurchCMO CEO



Episode 31: Proactive Disciple Making: Guide Phase


Episode 29: Proactive Disciple Making: Connect Phase