Episode 10: Why Your Elevator Pitch Sucks!


In our opinion, if you have a business that helps clients with a product or service, you need to know how to share that with people so their brain can process it easily without burning a lot of calories. Remember from our discussion about StoryBrand, our brains are designed to process data using as few calories as possible. 

So, using a pre-COVID example, if you are at a cocktail party and a new acquaintance that might be a prospect for you asks “well, what do you do?” If you start by telling them that your grandfather started the business in the Depression, then they will be checked out mentally long before you get to how you can help solve their problem.

On this episode, Mark and Laurel will walk you through a simple, 3-step process for writing your own effective one-liner. This statement not only answers the question, “what do you do?” but it invites the person into a narrative where they might solve a problem of their own.

A one-liner is a concise statement you can use to clearly explain what you offer. It is the most powerful tool you can use to make customers curious about your brand.
— Marketing Made Simple, Donald Miller & Dr. J.J. Peterson


So, today’s book recommendation is Marketing Made Simple, A Step by Step StoryBrand Guide for Any Business by Donald Miller and Dr. JJ Peterson. It’s the follow up to Building a StoryBrand we talked about a few weeks ago. Building a Storybrand addressed the problem that brands lose millions of dollars every day because they don’t have a clear message that tells consumers who they are and what value they will add to their customer’s lives. There is an entire chapter about creating a one-liner for your business, just like the process Mark walks Laurel through in this episode.

Here is a link to Marketing Made Simple or look for it at your local bookstore.



Episode 11: Pump Up Your Business in a Hurry!


Episode 09: Richard Butler - Part 2