Episode 45: Interview with Dr. Leonard Sweet, Part 1


In this episode, we are privileged to talk with one of the great Christian minds of our generation, Dr. Leonard Sweet. Len’s two most recent books, Jesus Human and Designer Jesus combine to paint a picture for Christians how we are to be faithful humans and disciples. Jesus Human - Primer for a Common Humanity, explores how Jesus, in showing us the way to God, shows us the way to ourselves and the way to be human. All that it means to be human is found in one person: Jesus, the greatest human, the most alive human, who ever lived. 

Designer Jesus - The Life Story of a Disciple delves into the life of faith, guiding readers to paint their lifestories with the rich colors of faith, hope, and love. The book draws from the deep wells of the past to make the ancient faith accessible and relevant to today’s readers. With wisdom, wit, and whimsy, Sweet shows how a discipleship designed by Jesus is both classic classy and contemporary chic, providing meaning and mooring to a world adrift and unhinged.

Charla and Mark are excited to discuss how these two books give us as disciples a starting point for following Jesus, and a Christianity that transcends mere belief. Our conversation with Len was so in depth, we divided it into two episodes. Part 2 of our conversation will be found in Episode 46.

God’s original plan for creation was for us to be fully human with the Divine breath in us.
— Dr. Leonard Sweet



Episode 46: Interview with Dr. Leonard Sweet, Part 2


Episode 44: Interview KCB, Part Two