Episode 39: What’s in it for me?


Today we are going to talk about why we as church congregants should be investing in our own, proactive discipleship journey. The Church is full of people who came to know Jesus as Savior, yet were never taught what it means to actually follow Him. So I think we should start with what Jesus tells us about how we benefit from following in his path.

Discipleship is simply this: teaching, leading, and demonstrating to others what it means to think, act, and speak as a follower of Christ. If you dig into the New Testament, you see scriptures, mostly Jesus’ teachings describe what disciples look should look like in our lives. Listen for more details...

I mean bottom line, proactively taking next steps in our discipleship helps us find meaning and fulfillment in our lives.
— Mark Wilson



Episode 40: Discipleship from the Pew


Episode 38: New Testament Disciple Making